Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | earth | monitor | poster | reckoner | road | sky | skyscraper | waterfall OCR: TIFF5.0 Informational Fields fields are fields can provide useful infonna tion toa user such as where the image came from Most are ASCII fields. An applica ation could have ome JORS "More Infa dialog box to display such information ATHst Ta8 315 [13B] Type ASCH Person who createdthe image if you need to atlach a Copyright notice to jnage this is the j place t do it. In farr. you my wish t write the contents of the. fletd inmediately grer the 8-byte TEE header Just make sure your IFD and fieid poainters ae set arcordingly and re 1D i set DateTime Tag 306 {132} Type ASCH Daie and time of image creation Use the format "TYYY WW :DD HH: MM :SS wirf HOuTS o24 -Hour clock and one space character between the date and the rime The length of "the string including the null is 20 HostComputer Tag 316 ...